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What's the difference between NBN Enterprise Ethernet High and Low CoS?

Next Telecom

NBN Enterprise Ethernet. What’s the difference between High CoS-and Low CoS service?

We get asked this on a regular basis about the NBN Business Fibre plans. There are a number of variables to consider; clients need to choose between the NBN Enterprise Ethernet bandwidth they need, the budget they have for the service and the quality of the service their business needs.

To start with, CoS means Class of Service. NBN Enterprise Ethernet comes in Low, Medium & High Classes of Service, but we will only discuss High and Low Classes here, as they are so far, the most commonly ordered Class of NBN Enterprise Ethernet Services.

If we used the terminology of the Carrier Fibre Internet services, NBN Enterprise Ethernet High CoS is a dedicated service. You get access to all of the bandwidth all of the time. If it was a swimming pool you get a lane all to your self.

A Low CoS service is where the bandwidth is not guaranteed. You will get the bandwidth in peaks but there will be other users on your part of the network, so your result will depend on what everyone else is doing. If we use the swimming pool analogy, you're sharing your swim lane.

It costs a bit more to reserve your own swim lane but for some businesses, having a dedicated service is an absolute requirement.

CoS-Low is a Peak Information Rate (PIR) service. If you were to get a 100Mbps CoS-Low, PIR, service you will get a maximum 100Mbps but may not get that bandwidth at all times, depending on other users on the network. CoS-Low is a 'Best Efforts' bandwidth service with no bandwidth warranty at all.

CoS-High is a Committed Information Rate (CIR) service. If you were to take a 100Mpbs CoS-High CIR, you will have 100Mbps at the Network Termination Device (NTD) at all times. Note that your internet traffic does not provide any bandwidth guarantees as there are lots of factors that determine the actual speed received.

If you would like to find out more about NBN Enterprise Ethernet, NBN EE Class of Service, NBN Enterprise Ethernet availability, how much NBN Enterprise Ethernet will cost and get any other questions answered, contact us to speak to an Australian based certified NBN Business adviser on 1300 42 66 67 or click the button and go through to the web form to arrange a call back.

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